Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mia's first birthday!

I just can't believe it! My sweet little girl is one! Where has all the time gone? She is such a joy and a little love in my life. We had a great day celebrating with friends and family. Andrew's parent's came down from WY to visit for a few days and to also be with Mia for her birthday. We decided to do a "pretty in pink" theme and I must say, it was absolutely adorable. I must give a shoutout to one of my good friends Brittany, she took all these beautiful pictures for me and they turned out great! Here are a few pictures of the table and food:

We had all of Mia's little friend's (who happen to be all of my good friends) come to celebrate the fun. Mia sure had a great time eating and smashing her cake and wearing her cute birthday dress:

All of her little friends (my friend's kids) came and had a great time. I love them so much for coming and celebrating our big day. I couldn't let them leave without getting a few pictures first. :-)

Needless to say, we had an absolutely wonderful time. This little girl is the apple of my eye, so sweet, and absolutely adorable in every way. I was listening to a song that made me tear up because they summed up exactly how I feel about Mia, "How wonderful life is, now you're in the world." She will forever be my baby, my sweetie, my love and now that she is one I can honestly say that her first year has never brought me so much meaning and happiness as this past year has. We love you Mia, and I know your daddy feels the exact same way. Happy birthday sweetie! :-)


  1. It was a great party!! You out did yourself!!

  2. It was wonderful Em, really special! Happy Birthday to MIA!!! Love your guts!!!

  3. I love your blog! It is cute.
    It was such a fun party for Miss Mia!

  4. It looks like a beautiful party! Miss you em.

  5. Thank you guys for coming! Love you all. JoJo-I miss you too girl! Next time you come to GA you must let me know. :-)
