Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our weekend in Wyoming

As you may have seen in my previous post, Andrew's grandma passed away and our family went to Wyoming to attend the funeral. Andrew's Grandpa decided to fly out all the grandchildren and their families so we could all be together during this time. I was so thankful to be with the Henrich and Mason families as I knew how hard this time was for all. I grew an even bigger appreciation than I already had for Andrew's mother this weekend. She really is a great mother, grandmother, wife, and person. For just having her sweet mother pass, she had such patience and love in her heart. I really do love that woman and her great example to me. It was wonderful seeing all of the other siblings and we loved seeing all the cousins play with one another. Mia was in heaven with all the older kids playing with her and giving her kisses and hugs. What a fun time we all had.  I, of course, forgot the battery to my digital camera so I only snapped a few pictures on my iPhone but my sweet sister-in-law promised to send me a lot more pictures that she took once she gets home this weekend. (Thanks Melanie!) So for now, I only have a few pictures to share but when I get Melanie's pictures I will post more of the service and family. 

Mia loved playing with her cousins Sam and Joel. They were very patient with her every time she kept trying to steal one of their toys. You could tell they are good big brothers! :-)

Her other cousins Sophie, Jack, and Isabelle were also good with her. Sophie helped me a lot with Mia and is turning into such a sweet girl. It's fun watching these cute kiddo's grow up.


I didn't get a picture with Mia and Josh but he is the ultimate helper and oldest of the cousins. We love you Josh and so does Mia!

We had a lot of play time during the weekend and Grandpa came to visit and we also went to visit him. It's hard watching someone lose their best friend that they had been with for 65 years. Grandpa is a strong person and knows that soon enough there will be light at the end of the tunnel for him and he will be with his wonderful wife soon enough. 

The funeral was on Monday and it was just absolutely beautiful. Andrew, his four siblings, Grandma's only brother, Peter, and Grandma's nurse that took care of her for the last six months (also a family friend Grandma and Grandpa had known for years) all spoke at the service. Each of the talks was so heart-felt and brought tears to my eyes as they each talked about how much they loved Grandma. She was one very loved and appreciated woman. After the funeral, we went back to Grandpa's house for a BBQ to celebrate her life. It was fun telling stories about her and I know Grandpa loved it too. 

After the BBQ, I stopped by to see one of my best friends that I hadn't seen in two years. Some of the greatest times of my life were spent with this girl so it is always fun to catch up with her and give her a great big hug.

We decided to try and surprise her the day before at her work but we had to leave before she got there. So instead we took some goofy pictures. :-) Overall, we had a great time despite the circumstances that brought us there. Once I get some good pictures of the service I will make sure and post them.   

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